Payment Made Easy

Payment of your kids school fees has never been more easier and secured, with our cashless payment option you can make payment swiftly from the comfort of your home

Payment should be done for children in creche

Payment should be done for student withing the class range of Kg 1 – Kg2

Payment should be done for student withing the class range of Nur1 – Nur2

Payment should be done for student withing the class range of Pri1 – Pri6

Payment should be done for student withing the class range of Jss 1 – Ss3

Easy Transfer made possible

You can make transfers directly into the school account for payment.

Account Number: 2836961019


Account Bank: FCMB

Please call the school line:  #Phone Number before the transfer is made, so as the parent of student won’t complaint if the school doesn’t give a confirmation call to approve payment.


  1. Full payment of school fees
  2. Name of student in description section while making payment
  3. A call before payment is made, so as to get a confirmation call

Note: Prove of payment is needed if in any situation the school doesn’t get the alert. Prove can be in form of receipt(showing the full name of sender , date and time transfer was made.)

Payment in school

Due to the covid 19 pandemic payment in the school environment with will be limited to only parents/ guardian  who wear face mask and maintains a 5 feet distance during payment as to reduce the spread of covid19